Tuesday, August 7, 2012

I’m Depressed!

One of my clients recently wondered out loud if she should just “get something” for her depression.  It reminded me of the strange (in my opinion) associations we have with depression.

First of all, we think depression is a thing…some “thing” that attacks us like a virus, and we need the anti-biotic (anti-depressant) to be cured of it.  Second…there is nothing that can be done other than this magic pill, because it’s a “chemical imbalance in the brain,” and genetic, so it is our parents fault.  

One more…we (some?) also have an association that depression means we are “crazy” in some way, or something is wrong with us, so we rationalize that it is some-thing we are powerless to help…but thankfully, there is a drug.  

Personally, I think it is crazy NOT to feel depressed at times.  

Here’s more of my crazy opinions on depression…

Depression is normal.  If it is physiological…like from low thyroid…it is part of your body (regulation), saying…stop, rest…heal.  

If it is psychological, it’s not crazy-ness…it’s more lacking a resource to solve a problem.  

In either case, if it becomes chronic…over 6 weeks for instance…your body needs something to heal (my specialty)…or you are not “seeing” the problem, unconsciously attempting to ignore the problem, and “depress” the feeling.  (I also am quite an expert at pointing out your problems!)

Now, before someone yells at me for suggesting they are ignoring a problem…let me explain.  This is done unconsciously…it’s a reflex and you cannot NOT do it.  As I mentioned in another article, we are hardwired to look away from our own blood…and this applies to all painful experiences.  And just like with a bleeding wound, health comes from forcing ourselves to look at the problem and deal with it.   

I can’t tell you how many times I was surprised to hear anger come out of me towards my amazing and wonderful wife…only to figure out I had been “ignoring” a problem that I didn’t know how to fix.  Sometimes that outburst is the first clue that you get consciously.  And also the reason I practice and preach noticing the negative.  The better we notice, the less depression, and the less outburst-ing.

Another “weird” opinion…  All symptoms are messages, including the symptom of depression.  It is a signal that a change is needed…perhaps health…perhaps life…but definitely a change.  Using a Five Element model in my practice…which is something like the “life wheel,” requiring balance in all areas…it offers insight into both life and health.  It will not only tell you if you need less inflammation, it might say you need less defending…or better boundaries…or guide you toward the resource you need to resolve whatever problem you are experiencing.  

Seriously, I check all my life problems against the wisdom of the five elements…through muscle testing.  Every “problem” reveals a hidden hurt, upset, or a pattern of behavior that is keeping you in the problem.  And I can say with absolute certainty…no exceptions…the patients that do the best in my care are willing to hear any problem that comes up…large, small, ugly…even funny…and willing to respond to the problem…very important.  

Last “different” opinion...since depression is normal…and really a blessing…I might suggest we are all crazy…and dumb.  And, we all have pure genius within us as well…Regulation.  Regulation is “that something” that keeps our heart beating, lungs breathing, cells healing, adapting to life, and so forth.  Medications by definition are suppressors of the messages (symptoms such as depression) that we receive from Regulation.  If we choose to put into practice the skill of listening and responding to these messages, our lives becomes much more comfortable…sometimes even easy.  

Would you agree that an easy life is more enjoyable than a “hard” life?  Then embrace your depression and look for the message it is bringing you.  KNOW that Regulation is grabbing your attention, for a very good reason, and that reason is ALWAYS for your greater enjoyment in life.  

Disclaimer…I am not suggesting that a person should NOT medicate, as if my health strategies are an either/or with medicine.  I will use pharmaceuticals…AND, begin the process of inquiring into what the message is attempting to bring up for me.  Or, if the message is not so severe, ie. mild depression (or whatever symptom), I will just endure the discomfort and use the symptom as an indicator to know if I am on the right track.  Hint…the message will quiet when you are on the right track. 

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