Saturday, August 27, 2016

Winter Immune Defense for Cold/Flu

In my experience, there is nothing more helpful to amazing health than having an acute immune care protocol that WORKS!  While I don’t enjoy being sick, I have seen that each illness matures and strengthens your immune system, leaving you healthier and more resilient in the aftermath.

This only works with natural products, however.  If you turn to antibiotics, it robs you of the maturation and strengthening of your immune system, and because of the detrimental effects on healthy bacteria, leaves you weaker and more prone to getting sick again.  Reserve antibiotic use for emergencies only!  

Natural products nourish and strengthen the immune system, just like food nourishes your body.  When you are sick, your greatest nourishment need is your immune system, and these are the products we have found to work the best! 

For any sniffly, sneezy, coughing, aching, stuffy head, fever symptoms…our first line of defense is Congaplex.  Congaplex contains Vitamin A and C plus thymus glandular extracts.  It is a nice healthy meal for the immune system when it is needed the most.  

Elderberry:  This is also first line…Congaplex plus Elderberry for any cold or flu symptoms.  In the late ‘90s, pharmaceutical researchers brought Elderberry into the lab to study its effects.  Their research culminated in a chemical called oseltamivir phosphate, trade name Tamiflu.  But as usual, you can’t outsmart Mother Nature…it works less than half as good as Elderberry!  In one study, Elderberry resolved symptoms in 2 days, compared to 4.5 days with Tamiflu.  Insurance covers Tamiflu though, at 100 dollar per pill…but our Elderberry is affordable at 15 bucks for 30 servings.  2002 Conference on AntiViral Research; Zakay-Rones, Z. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine; vol 1: pp 361-369.

Osha Root:  Early American settlers called the plant the Native Americans gave them “cough root,” as it relieves the deep lung infections better than antibiotics (in my experience).  I treated a patient who had a long history of bronchitis.  It always caused a deep barking cough, and after a couple nights of no sleep from coughing, she would resort to an antibiotic.  It would take an average of FIVE days to clear it out after starting the antibiotic.  Well, sure enough, during her treatment, the bronchitis came back, so we gave her Congaplex and Elderberry.  A couple days later, she emailed that she hadn’t slept in 2 days, and was going to get an antibiotic.  I requested that we reinforce with “cough root” and give it another day.  Osha cleared her bronchitis in a DAY AND A HALF! 

Elecampane:  This is also a lung remedy for cough and bronchitis, and it’s good to have your resources a couple deep in case you need “reinforcement.”  My discovery of this plant was when our entire tribe got whooping cough.  I’d never seen a case before and now we had 4!  I connected with one of our suppliers, which are typically led by a master herbalist who formulates their mixtures, and has a wealth of experience.  He said, “have you tried the blend I named Lung?”  DUH!  Nope!  After weeks of struggle, this blend with the primary ingredient Elecampane seemed to clear out their lungs in a matter of days.  

Garlic and Thyme:  When Amory was just days old, her big sissy shared a bug that caused massive fluid buildup in her lungs.  You could hear the gurgling bubbles without a stethoscope!  And hearing your little baby struggle to get a breath is very unsettling!  We crushed and boiled some garlic…put the water in a nebulizer with a drop of thyme oil…and blew the vapors at her so she would breath them in.  While nursing, so it was very non-traumatic for her.  We listened by the hour, and sure enough, her lungs started to clear and she was soon breathing normally!  This was a pretty creative administration…for older kids and adults, you can take it like other medicine.  Garlic cloves can be used for strep throat, held between the back teeth, and squeezed gently to allow the oils to run down the throat.  

Echinacea, Golden Thread, Waltheria:  Echinacea is an immune stimulant, Golden Thread is one of nature’s most powerful antimicrobials, working on bacteria, viruses, parasites, and fungal infections; and Waltheria is Hawaii’s answer to strep throat and the common cold.  Together, these could replace Congaplex for vegetarians, and can be used topically and internally for tough infections.  We have used this blend on an infected tooth, which cleared it up quickly, and saved on dental costs!  Dilute in water and gargle for strep throat, and use topically on the throat (yes, just rub it in).  

Andrographis:  This is the one that seems to test most often if Congaplex and Elderberry don’t test well.  It is indicated for all upper respiratory symptoms just like Congaplex, and may be more indicated for sinus infection.  

You will find, through trial and error, which ones work the best for you.  It is useful to have resources a few deep, so you can “reinforce” when you come across a tough infection.  Remember the ones that resolve symptoms within 48 hours…those are the best matches for you. 
Happy Infection Fighting!

Friday, August 19, 2016

Who's Gonna Start!? (Validating)

Validate comes from the latin word validātus, which means to make strong.  Validate in English means to confirm or approve.  Confirm means to acknowledge and strengthen a perspective.  

The FIVE ELEMENTS philosophy, my model for healing and happiness, suggests that every plant, mineral, and animal has a unique perspective that brings VALUE to the whole. 
From the perspective of the plant, it brings VALUE in the form of nourishment and healing.  From the perspective of the mineral (rock, soil), it brings VALUE in the form of filtration of water, nourishment and growth of plants, and houses a diverse community of microbes that protect, defend, and through decay, return nourishment to the soil. 

You know in your heart that you have VALUE to bring to the whole.  Do you feel safe to express that value? 

Invalidation means to weaken, or devalue another perspective.  You might say that you don’t care what others think about your perspective, but if you dig deep, it does matter.  We have an innate desire to be loved and valued…so it just isn’t true that you don’t care. 

“I don’t care”…is a product of invalidation.  It was conceived from the perspective of feeling invalidated. 
I know you don’t enjoy invalidation, and I agree, in this culture, it requires thick skin to express your unique perspective and VALUE.  Because…human animals have learned that a unique perspective is a threat to their own.  

Imagine talking to the soil… SOIL: “I don’t eat the plants, I feed the plants.”  HUMAN: “Well, that’s just stupid, anyone can see that the plants are for eating.”

You would never argue with the soil, right?  It is TRUTH…one perspective feeds the plants, while another eats the plants. 

Why…do we invalidate another human’s perspective, clearly observed from unique eyes, ears, and experience?  

You and I want validation.  Who’s gonna start?  The starting point…is…ASSUMING POSITIVE INTENTION.  

When I was in school, I couldn’t figure out how to receive validation (other than compliance, which was PAINFUL!)…so I used adults to receive validation from other kids.  I disrespected, smart mouthed, broke rules…and the other kids laughed.  I found a way…a way that alienated adults, but created my own version of validation.  

I bet it was difficult to see my positive intention from the adults’ perspective.  From their perspective, it looked like my intention was to be disruptive.  But the more they punished me, the more this strategy deepened and expanded in me.  It became an identity…and to this day, I feel uncomfortable around adults. 
I sometimes say to my kids, “I don’t understand adults, either!”  “But, Dad, you are an adult.”  “I know,” I say, being subtly suggestive of my lack of understanding of MYSELF!  

If I now, met me then…I would say, “It looks like you are frustrated that there is no room for your perspective…so you make jokes and disrupt whatever is going on, to let everyone know how frustrated you are.  Would you let me show you how to be significant without getting in trouble?  You can still make everyone laugh…”

Validation is critical to cooperation.  Have you ever heard a democrat say to a republican (or vice versa), “Oh, I completely see your perspective and what you are trying to accomplish.”  Do you observe cooperation in politics, or adversity?  (if only slightly less immature than my earlier versions)

Are we doomed to invalidation, since our ‘leaders’ demonstrate and embody invalidation!?  The political perspective of Gandhi was “to be the change you desire in the world.”  

I validate my kids, even if I invalidate first.  I validate my patients, often by showing them what is wrong with them, after somebody told them there is nothing wrong!  And to all, not only do I validate your expression, I ENCOURAGE you to express your unique perspective (in a way that brings VALUE, not disruption!). 
And, it is OK…if mine is different.  I will still do my best to see the value in yours. 

If you desire validation (and I know you do), remember this article always…and even if you begin with invalidation…come back around…step into the others’ shoes, and see their perspective…and ASSUME POSITIVE INTENTION.  

As the first self help book, the Bible, says in Luke 6:38, “GIVE…and you WILL receive.”