Sunday, March 6, 2011

The Top Five Autoimmune Treatment Mistakes!

Listen to this…
“The exact cause of Crohn's disease remains unknown.”  “No one is quite sure what triggers Ulcerative Colitis.”  “Scientists aren't certain why some people develop Sjogren's syndrome and others don't.”  “The cause of multiple sclerosis is unknown.”  “Doctors don't know what causes autoimmune diseases, such as lupus.”  “Doctors don't know what starts this process, although a genetic component appears likely. While your genes don't actually cause rheumatoid arthritis, they can make you more susceptible.”  “Doctors don't completely understand the cause of Raynaud's attacks.”
QUOTE: Mayo Clinic (
What do you think your expectations for SUCCESS are…if you acknowledge that you DON’T HAVE ANY IDEA what is causing the problem??  In case you don’t know…the expectations for any A-I disorder is permanent.  Reducing progression…but there will be progression.  Treating symptoms….but there will be symptoms. 
For one, if your expectation is failure…your result will be failure.  For two…if you use the same old tests and treatment that DON’T lead to understanding the CAUSE of these diseases, you will NEVER discover anything innovative.
The first BIG MISTAKE is listening to these opinions…and they are nothing more than opinions.  In fact, they are no less opinions than the opinion that the world is flat, that the sun revolves around the earth, and that estrogen replacement therapy will improve the health of senior women.  (If you haven’t heard, they stopped the definitive study, called the Women’s Health Initiative, because their subjects were DYING)!
If you believe the story of some person, and doctors are just people, and that story is unfinished…such as the discovery of a round planet…you are selling yourself short.  The story of AutoImmune diseases is unfinished…as unfinished as a story can be.  There is ALWAYS an end to a story…and it is ALWAYS the leading edge that discovers the end.  Christopher Columbus didn’t listen to EVERYONE…he was leading edge, and changed the world as we knew it. 
I only use that story because it is the BEST known story of massive underestimation and miscalculation.  Everyone KNEW the world was flat…heck, you could look out at the horizon and CLEARLY see the drop off!  It was proven FACT!  Until it was UNPROVEN!
Now is the time to change the story of AutoImmune Diseases.  We don’t know…becomes…now we see why this is happening.  We don’t know what to do…becomes…NOW THAT WE KNOW WHY…we can effectively treat this problem. 
It is JUST an immune system problem.  No matter what YOUR condition is…it is an immune system problem. 
So, here is what we did…(to find the CAUSE…and in 50 years this might be recognized as truth…do you want to wait on that??)…We investigated the IMMUNE SYSTEM.  And after you study something for awhile…kind of like walking…it seems pretty basic.  One step in front of the other.
So, here’s the groundbreaking discovery…There is no ONE CAUSE…it can be ANYTHING that ACTIVATES your immune system…chemicals…infections…allergens…even stress.  So there will NEVER be ONE CURE!!  In order to treat YOU…we have to look at what started the process. 
We also discovered how immune activation turns into self destruction.  Just like there isn’t one cause, there isn’t one effect.  We discovered T-Helper Cells…and found that they have (at least) three effects…we call TH(T-Helper) 1, 2, and 17.  We discovered that different stressors (mold, parasites, stress, chemicals, allergies)…shift your immune system into one particular dominance…and it is that dominance…also read imbalance…that triggers the destruction process.
So…let me simplify…
There is one cause…immune activation from our toxic environment, infections, and allergens…many options…but ONE CAUSE.
There is one effect…immune imbalance…shifting into TH1, TH2, or Th17…a few options…but ONE EFFECT.
There are multiple results as well….MS, RA, Raynaud’s, UC, Crohn’s, Lupus, Sjogren’s…even Type 1 Diabetes, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, thyroid disorders, neuropathy, chronic pain, BPPV (Dizziness), and MORE are associated with AutoImmune Disorders.
Here is what I want you to know…there are tests to detect the cause…there are tests to detect the effects…there are ways to treat the problem.  DON’T buy into POOR EXPECTATIONS!  If you do…you will end your life with this disease…it will be ugly…and it will be UNNECESSARY! 

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