Friday, May 27, 2016

What I DID get...

I am thankful for understanding this energy…for 2 reasons.  1. I can more effectively help people!! (Yay!).  and 2. I am really thankful that I am beginning to understand people who aren’t me! 

There have been enough people ‘like me’ to help…and make a living with my unique value…BUT…seeing the perspective of those NOT like me really opens the doors to helping! 

‘Like me’ looks like this:  Sensitive to the point of allergies, anxiety, depression…self critical to the point of autoimmune conditions (I’m on my 2nd!) and overwhelm.  And reactive to the point of exhaustion, defensiveness, and PAIN…

‘Like me’ is created by asking the question, “what is wrong with me…” on a multi-daily basis.  Go ahead…ask away…you get the above!!

‘Not like me’ includes this pattern… “I don’t GET it!”  I always put my attention on what I did get.  A small thanks.  And now I see it…here’s how I saw…

I had this experience of some (most) people walking out of my experience saying to Laura…’what the hell just happened?  I don’t get it.’  At first, I was annoyed and frustrated…because that’s now how I think. 

I did 3 years of post-doctoral neurology…300 hours…and I got 2 things.  1. You and your brain transforms and becomes WHATEVER you practice.  2. I don’t like neurology.  And…I…was…completely satisfied with the result.  My brain is practiced at finding solutions…because I practiced feeling ALONE.  You know…do it yourself…or it ain’t getting’ done.  AKA…if you don’t GET IT…nobody is coming to help.  So I focused on what I do GET.  

And for a LOOOONG time…It included a careful analysis of… “what is wrong with me.”  The FUNNY thing is…the ANSWER…was that crappy QUESTION!  Haha…uuuh…that’s the pain of my life you are laughing at.  

So I was having this experience…of people not getting me…and one of my most brilliant patients showed up for me!  She came to a group we offered, and seemed grumpy.  The rest of us were laughing…and she was frowning!  

She showed up FOR ME…for THIS…it turned out that she didn’t understand something (even brilliant people start from ZERO)…and decided (for my and your benefit) to be mad about not getting that point…for the ENTIRE 2 hours!  

Bless her…that is a big sacrifice to make…to help me get this point.  And a BIG point it is…

If you have FAITH…TRUST…in God…Nature…Love…Karma…ANYTHING…!!!  You PRACTICE that faith by TRUSTING that every moment you get exactly what you NEED.  

Of ALL the details of neurology and nerve pathways…I GOT one thing…  TWO if you consider ‘not being on the right path’ a learning experience.  (You will be served to consider that!!)

So now…I tell my patients…you aren’t SUPPOSED to ‘get’ everything…you are supposed to get ONE THING.  And it is good for your heart and soul…to TRUST…that it is the RIGHT thing.  

Go ahead…you will know…cuz it will ‘hit home’ or ‘make sense’ or somehow ‘ring true.’  

PLEASE…don’t regret or mourn what you didn’t get…LOVE and cherish what you DID GET!!!!!

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