Monday, June 20, 2011

The Five Patterns of Inflammation

If the five stress patterns are win lose patterns in which you give away your energy…the inflammation patterns are exhaustion through defending yourself.  Think of this in terms of big picture…yes, the immune system is the defense system internally, and can lead to immune or autoimmune problems, but let’s look at the patterns of defense that exhaust your health!
Pattern 1: The hero or warrior pattern.  You want to overcome unfairness…protect those in need.  Again, a good thing…until taken too far.  Obviously, even a superhero can risk harm…if superman doesn’t avoid kryptonite, well, he is vulnerable…the win lose in this pattern starts with expending too much energy…going beyond your capacities, not watching out for kryptonite.  When overdone, you might shift from protector to attacker…and you get attacked back…that is the nature of defending.  So, when taken too far, and your greatest value is protecting from hurt…you hurt…and that hurts you.  So you withdraw, but the unfairness is such a motivation, you see people being hurt…they depend on you…you can’t sit back and watch it…you are compelled to defend…if you protect you…it hurts…and when you protect others…it hurts. 
Pattern 2: The revolutionary or rebel pattern.  You want growth, but to achieve this, you choose opposition instead of direction.  The world is NOT RIGHT…people are in pain…people are suffering, so I must do things differently.  Overdone, this becomes counterculture…being different for the sake of being different.  Because it is defensive in nature, you turn people off or push them away.  That hurts…so you withdraw, but you see so much evil…commercialism…war…and turn away again…pain or pain…You disconnect from “the way things are” or you suffer in silence.
Pattern 3:  This is the teacher or creator pattern…bringing new ideas into realization…overdone becomes the fixer.  You have the solution, but nobody will follow your command…and I say command because it may come off as just that.  You decide that the only one who gets it is you, so you adopt a do it yourself pattern.  If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself!  The burden of taking on everyone elses responsibility takes its toll…pain…so you pull back, only to see everything go to heck…burden myself…or nothing gets done right…win/lose either way…
Pattern 4:  This is the true leadership or ruler type…you simply want to make things work, but you keep getting the experience of betrayal…overdone this is the perfectionist or achiever…always doing more toward connection…you get betrayed or criticized and you defend…it might be a lawsuit, or it might be an argument…still you are defending your actions.  “I did everything I could to help this person/institution” …pleasing…defending…both ways, it hurts
Pattern 5:  This is the Jester…using wit to get others to see your way…when overdone, it feels, sounds or looks like sales…the experience is that YOU are right, but nobody gets that…you TRY convincing and proving…but you get more disbelief and resistance…the more you convince, the less you are understood…that hurts…so you withdraw…and you see people so close to seeing what you see…you are exhausted by ignorance, but can’t get your message heard…back to wit and convincing…still pain…
All these exhaustive patterns have simple solutions…patterns a broken by different actions…different communications.  You must be willing to look at yourself and change, and nourish yourself where you were defending or giving away your energy. 

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