Thursday, September 13, 2012

"I Am Stuck!"

Do you feel stuck?  It is not uncommon for me to hear, “I have tried everything…medical and natural…and nothing works!”  Or, “Everything I try makes me feel worse!”  

Those are the words of people who have “Blocked Regulation” and/or “Switched Regulation.”

Those were the words of Rosalinda, Melissa, Raven, and Shannon, and now all share their happiness and success on our YouTube channel (DrStone16).  One of the keys to breaking the stuck pattern was treating them for Blocked and/or Switched Regulation.  I know those terms are foreign to medicine and most people, so let me explain…

Regulation:  This is my favored term for the little something within us that attends to our needs.  It keeps the heart beating, lungs breathing, and adapts to every change in our environment, both internally and externally.  The heart and lungs are regulated in our brainstem, which attends to what we call “vital functions.”  And they are vital…meaning death is the result of their failure.  

The brainstem is the “deepest” part of our nervous system.  The next deepest is the limbic system, also known as our emotional brain…but really functions as our fight or flee brain.  Emotions are not bad…in fact if you have been in love, excited about a project, or love your momma, you know that emotions can be wonderful.  The painful nature of some emotions is also good…they are there, just like the brainstem and vital functions, to keep you alive.  If you get emotional…upset in some way…it is giving you a guide to exit or change the situation.  Run from the bear…escape the mugger…or more practically, in life, change our patterns (habits, rituals)

The next layer of the brain is the cortex, commonly thought of as our thinking brain, but only a tiny portion of the brain…right behind your forehead, does the thinking.  Most of the cortex is for moving and sensing.   Again, all designed for survival.  For instance, if you touch a hot stove, the pain initiates a withdrawal reflex….all carefully coordinated in the cortex of your brain.  

I contend that this amazing organization of survival NEVER MAKES A MISTAKE!  Every experience you have is a carefully coordinated effort to increase your probability of surviving another day, week, month, year…yet these four people, and many others, did not feel like their body was working for them, or even with them.  It felt like all heck was breaking loose!  And here’s why…

Blocked Regulation:  Technically speaking, this is an inability to shift from parasympathetic (rest and digest) to sympathetic (fight or flee) and back again.  Regulation is literally stuck…or blocked.  But for a good reason.  There is something challenging survival…an immune challenge…that is demanding attention…the attention of regulation.  I compare this effect to a “fire in the kitchen.”  You can’t really step away for a snooze, to take a potty break, or attend to any other needs.  

This response is still your “best chance of survival” however, even if you can’t sleep, can’t digest, can’t heal…because the challenge cannot be ignored.  Often this is caused by a toxic metal (ie. Mercury) or an undiagnosed infection.  And it is true…success, progress, and feeling well are “blocked” until this problem is addressed.  

Switched Regulation:  This was named for the way it presents…you do something good for you, and you feel bad.  Sometimes you can even do something bad for you and feel better!  It’s an observation made by many patients and doctors, and only the most investigative ever figure out how to remedy this confounding experience.  It was certainly a confounder in my practice for many years…until I dug deep and discovered this very important barrier to healing.  

Often, this is caused by multiple immune challenges…my best analogy is a parent with 4 seriously upset kids in front of her.  As she listens and responds to one, two others get LOUDER.  And that is how it is with symptoms…you attend to one, and others get louder.  It is not even that the attention was wrong…it was just incomplete.  The treatment that was started was appropriate to one problem, and most likely needs to continue with additional support.  

Ultimately, this whole experience is about locating and attending to the top priority (-ies).  I often say that the reason Melissa, Shannon, Rosalinda, and Raven progressed…was that we located the top priority.  Blocked regulation and Neurologic Switching confuse the process of finding the top priority, and that is why it is a process of discovery.  

The stressors that cause blocked or switched regulation are not obvious with typical diagnostics.  I have experienced this first hand, with my “get all the cards on the table” approach of the past.  In this approach, I would order a multitude of lab tests, approaching $2,000 in diagnostics, hoping to unveil any and every stressor and imbalance that stood between my patient and good health.  Yet even with all that information, I would still run into blocks.  Or worse, as I attended to all the needs we uncovered, the patient would feel worse.  

Even with our extensive process of diagnosis, using neurological, energetic, and lab diagnostics, along with simply listening to the messages (we are very thorough in our diagnosis) it still takes a few to several visits to completely nail all priorities, including the TOP priority.  

And, of course, there are a few people that I never identified all the top priorities, and progress was not achieved.  Those are the ones that keep me searching and improving.  

 There are also many more who have shocking results using these diagnostic tools.  Results that surprise me and the patient.  They also keep my searching and improving, attempting to reproduce those results on a more consistent basis.  

For most, however, it is a step by step process of listening, noticing, and responding, requiring patience and time.  The most obvious regulation problems can be quickly observed with a simple muscle response testing using acupressure points.  The most stealth regulation problems sometimes are not evident until we retest the lab markers, identifying objectively (noticing), that one particular organ or system is blocked (no change) or switched (gets worse).  (Although I am getting better at spotting the “stealth” regulation problems, sooner rather than later!)

If you are personally “stuck,” this assessment can be the one thing that breaks you free to start enjoying the experience of your health moving again in a positive direction.  And…if you keep moving in a positive direction, maybe you can one day qualify for the BEST EVER group I talk about HERE!

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