Monday, July 23, 2012

True Health Mission

"To impact global cooperation and happiness by teaching and guiding parents and families to meet their own needs, thereby multiplying their available energy.  Individuals and families with sufficient energy naturally share their energy.  A philosophy and practice of looking within to meet individual and family needs will not only improve health, it will allow access to passionate, value based action, improve self esteem, and increase the probability that each individual will discover and reveal his or her own deepest gifts to humanity.  A person sharing his/her greatest gifts will receive value and significance from others creating greater connection for people as a whole.  Each person we reconnect to Regulation (my term for internal wisdom) is a pebble of cooperation and happiness in the pond of humankind.

Think about that one for awhile….

Imagine a growing number of people practicing this art of looking inside.  Ultimately, it is what I teach.  What I use to look inside are the messages your body is giving you every day (formerly known as symptoms), the nervous system through muscle testing and other neurological tests, and lab testing.  Labs are an actual measure of all the chemicals that are working for Regulation and for you increasing your likelihood of surviving another day. 

Using these windows to your internal wisdom, Regulation, we create a plan to work with Regulation and meet your greatest needs.  It might mean eating protein every 2 hours to assist exhausted adrenal glands with their primary J-O-B: balancing blood sugar.  It might mean taking an herb that supports a tired immune system. 

As each person experiences success in reading their internal messages, it increases connection to the most important person on the planet - YOU!  Your cells are concerned about only one thing: the health of themselves.  Your brain is concerned with only one thing: the health of your cells.  If you, the thinking you, gets on board with Regulation, the result is abundant energy. 

All your needs must be met in order to achieve this state, which is ultimately your GIVING state.  That means all your systems must be running amazingly well.  This state is devoid of sickness, disease, and suffering.  It is your BEST health insurance available.  (And it doesn’t mean perfection…Regulation finds that goal stressful!)

So you are healthy, happy, and energetic.  All your needs are met.  What next?  The natural flow is to spend your energy doing what you love…and when you do that over and over, you accumulate experiences that make you an expert.  What a concept, being an expert at what you love! 

When you are an expert at what you love, the natural flow is to share your expertise or genius.  And anytime you share genius, people are very appreciative.  Sure, as you develop your genius, there may be frustration…people not understanding or valuing your genius…maybe not even wanting it.  But, since it is what you love, you would never give up.  You would do this for free and have for most of your healthy life.  As you near genius (expert, gifted, awesomeness, etc.), more and more people want to hear what you have to say or experience what you provide. 

In the end you are rewarded with appreciation, (one currency being money), significance, and contribution (now you are really “rich” when you improve others lives!)  People love you, and of course, you love people who love you.  Connection!

People also want to be part of what you are providing.   And as a practiced listener, you don’t run into the troubles of people who drag you down.  You acknowledge feelings and intuition in your choices of who you surround yourself with, and you enjoy people who make you feel good. 

Also, you are never in fear of losing what you have because your greatest asset is within you.  And if you do lose something you value, it’s ok, because you have learned to listen to yourself.  You know and readily ask for what you want; therefore, you simply replace it. 

Again, there is a learning curve to this listening art, and you miss many messages along the way.  The missed messages always end up providing some pain or discomfort, but you see this as your most valuable lessons.  You know that what you don’t know can ONLY show up as pain or discomfort, and you have a growing community of experts in other areas of life with their own gifts, who will help you discover the next amazing resource that is clearly coming your way. 

Your growing community of listeners begins to make waves in the larger community.  People who are not listening are curious…they wonder about your big smile, not about how easy your life is, but how easily you clear life’s hurdles.  They are curious to know your secrets for all that energy and happiness.  How much life you have to give, when they struggle so much just caring for themselves and their family.

And of course…you share your secret, because you don’t want it to be a secret.  “Learn to listen…  Would you like to hear how I learned…?”

I truly believe the art of listening is that powerful!  I don’t claim to have achieved that level of listening, but as I practice, I see the process accelerating.  I don’t imagine that my practicing will ever be complete…or yours or anyone else’s.  Perhaps the one brilliant message of medicine is the term practice: medical practice.

I do want to invite you to practice, and perhaps, be part of the community that spreads this message of healing…not only the healing of the individual but of every person that individual touches as they learn to listen.  I think it could be quite profound! 

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