Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Important Brain Health PSA

Spiders are a critical part of our ecosystem.  Terminix posted 298 Million in revenue in the 4th quarter of 2013, in part for the service of killing spiders.  The chemical insecticide used for spider control was evaluated in the Journal "Toxicological Sciences" and discovered that exposure activates brain immune defenses and inflammatory chemicals.  When we observe the brains of alzheimers patients, we notice brain immune defense activation and inflammation.  We also recognize that sugar and aluminum cause the same effects in the brain. 

This brings to mind the concept of the "tipping point."  At what level of exposure to insecticides, aluminum, and sugar do we experience the tipping point, resulting in memory loss and confusion.  You'll never know until you get there! 

My recommendation is to use brain "sharpness" as your indicator.  If you have dulled a little bit...focus, memory, attention...it's time to tip the scales BACK toward sharpness.  Skullcap and chamomile are two plants that calm and clean the brain immune system.  Avoiding further exposure as much as possible (cancel that terminex membership, get rid of aluminum cookware, decrease sugar and refined carb intake) is indicated. 

Brain "sharpness" SHOULD increase with age, as wisdom is accumulated...but offset by immune activator accumulation.  Be SMART...and take this bit of advice for BRAIN HEALTH.  Do it for your sharpness, and the environment, which includes creepy spiders.