This is a recurring topic in our clinic. It goes something like this… “My doctor told me that I will always have this ______.” (Fill in the blank with your problem)
“Your neuropathy is forever. Your thyroid disorder is forever. Your pain is forever. Your dizziness is forever. Your fatigue is forever. Your Sjogrens, Rheumatoid Arthritis (any autoimmune disorder) is forever. Your High Blood Pressure is forever. Your Diabetes is forever…etc., etc.!”
“We don’t know why you have it…it is probably genetic. It can be managed effectively with _____.” (insert commercial for Pharmaceutical).
Excuse the language…but…BULL$#!@!
The fact is that your condition is not fully understood…medically. The fact is that NOTHING medicine does HEALS anything. You can’t take a foreign chemical and expect your (bone, heart, muscles, etc.) to heal. Healing comes from soothing your internal stress physiology…generally immune, lack of oxygen, too much inflammation, swelling, lack of energy…and then providing nutrients that REPAIR. Drugs don’t repair…NUTRIENTS repair.
WHY…WHY…WHY would we ever accept this BS? We all need to read Dr. Andrew Weil’s classic book… “Spontaneous Healing.” I am seriously considering REQUIRING it before I perform an initial examination…on anyone.
You HAVE to be cleansed of the BELIEF…and it is only a belief, really more of a “mind virus,” that there are limitations to our healing! Well, you don’t have to be…you can accept it and stay where you are…progressively deteriorating.
Dr. Weil clearly illustrates that a combination of believing in LIMITLESS POSSIBILITIES, plus a nourishing of your body…can heal the most devastating diseases.
His book is designed much like mine…big picture concept…case study…big picture concept…case study, etc. His case studies will blow your mind. People given 2 weeks to live….sent home to die. Something shifted in them…they all decided that this was not acceptable to them. They all said…BULL$#!@!! I will not take this prognosis. I will take care of it myself. And they did. Astounding doctors who saw, with their own eyes, bones that were so riddled with cancer, nothing could be done…and only months later, they couldn’t find the cancer.
And that is my best patient…fed up, disgusted with the prognosis, the fear…believing in a greater potential, and finally…appearing at my door. There, I can provide them the understanding and application of nourishing your body…soothing and repairing…watching the miracle of healing take place…and becoming the NEXT GREAT STORY!
You won’t show up, you won’t be the next great story…until you change this belief!
Go to Amazon…you can get the book for a penny!